Winter Bale Grazing

On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) to help producers plan and implement rotational grazing BMPs.


The Canadian Forage and Grassland Association (CFGA) and Alberta partner ARECA (Agricultural Research and Extension Council of Alberta) are inviting applications from farmers and ranchers who are interested in planning and implementing rotational grazing management practices (BMPs).

The On Farm Climate Action Fund is instrumental in providing producers with resources for Beneficial Management Plan implementation.  The Canadian Forage and Grassland Association is providing support to producers through the Advanced Grazing Systems, an online learning tool built for Canadian producers as well as financial support for the development of a grazing plan and the implementation of on farm projects. 

If producers require assistance to develop or refine their grazing plan, these costs are eligible for reimbursement as well. Once producers have completed a rotational grazing plan either on their own or with the help of a mentor or professional, they can apply for implementation funding. CFGA is prepared to cost-share the expenses at 70 percent, and the producer will provide 30 percent, including in-kind contributions.

CFGA is also providing support for on farm demonstration projects for extending the grazing season using alternative methods.  Watch the video for a look at bale grazing set up on an Alberta farm.

Producers can visit the CFGA website for more information on rotational grazing and the advanced grazing systems course and to sign up for more information.


Alberta Environmental Farm Plan


CFGA launching Rotational Grazing On-Farm Implementation Project