Alberta On Farm Climate ACtion Fund

ARECA was selected as a delivering partner for the OFCAF program in conjunction with the Canadian Forage and Grasslands Association.  Producers are eligible for funding in support of improving rotational grazing across the prairies through the development of a detailed grazing plan, water distribution, new cross fencing, and increased legumes in pastures. 


Producers seeking additional assistance in developing an advanced rotational grazing management plan may do so with the guidance of a grazing mentor who is a professional agrologist (P.Ag) or certified crop adviser (CCA).  CFGA also has a network of mentors trained to support the development of grazing plans if you need support in finding a person to assist you please contact Sonja or Travis to find out how to access funding for one-on-one support.

Alberta Mentor list

The CFGA program also offers training to support producers with experience in grazing management to become a mentor and/or advisor. There is live, online training sessions that they can attend, or they can also work through the materials independently. There are then monthly meetings with mentors across Canada – creating a network of experienced grazing experts, sharing information and training the next generation of extension specialists.

You have the opportunity to work with a grazing mentor to support the development of a Grazing Management Plan. We have a growing network of mentors across Alberta and are trying hard to develop additional regional coverage.


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Grazing Plan Development

The development of a rotational grazing plan for your farming operation is the program’s foundation and a requirement to access further funding for implementing your advanced rotational grazing plan.  By developing a rotational grazing plan, you will have a clear idea of all associated aspects of your project.


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Check out the template that helps guide you through the development of your plan.


Hand accessing resources

Provincial and national resources to help with your grazing plan

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Farmer checking Ipad

Advanced Grazing Systems

The CFGA has developed a learning platform that is mobile-friendly so you can learn and reference information wherever you might be and when you have the time.  It creates opportunities for you to learn on your own or connect with other farmers learning the same materials. It also offers many opportunities to ask questions of mentors and other rotational grazing experts. With a device, an internet connection and a will to learn, anyone wanting the basics on rotational grazing can access the CFGA’s Advanced Grazing Systems  course to get a foundation of the most important concepts. 

Eligible Expenses

Producers are encouraged to create an account through BixImpact where all application forms and complete an application form as soon as they are available

Fencing and Water

Infrastructure funding and rotational grazing development


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Our mentor network is pleased to work to develop a plan that works for the producer and navigate the application process.

Project Implementation

Funding available for increasing legume content in perennial pastures.

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